Thursday 5 November 2009

People I Miss. And NaNo: Day 5

I miss Jack. He's a nutter and so effeminate it makes me laugh. And he gives lovely warm hugs.

I miss Emma. The last time I saw her we realised we were basically in exactly the same clothes. It feels like too long since I've seen her.

I miss Suzie. I've only actually met her twice but our twitter conversations about gigs and bands always make me laugh and smile.

I miss Tally. She lives in Australia and I haven't seen her since last July.

I miss Georgina. There's something about her which makes me laugh so much - I guess she just has that effect on people.

I miss Sarah. I don't know when I'm gonna see her again, which sucks because she doesn't live far away.

I miss Clara. I miss our mutual hair rape-age xD

I miss Roma. It's funny how people you only meet once have such an effect on you, and I hope I'll see her again soon.

I miss Sam. And I'm sure she misses my lovely warm black coat.

I miss Laura. I miss the way people mistake us for being sisters when we clearly aren't.

I miss Frances. I see her at gigs all the time but it's usually really fleeting.

I miss Vikki. I hate that she lives in Kent because it's so far to go and visit.

I miss Panda, Ashleigh and Bee. Two weeks on Saturday until I see them again, and Vikki, and Frances (I dunno why this writing has gone weird).

Roll on 21/11.

NaNo update: computer with my first 6,000 words is still broken. Typing on my laptop. I've written about 1,000 words today, which is awful compared to my target of 2,500. Hoping to write another 500-1,000 before bed tonight. Current wordcount: 10,426.


  1. I miss you, because you were sweet and kind.


    And you of course :D <3

    From one of your macerena buddies :D x
