Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Two weeks on Friday seems so far away.

Right, so, I have decided today will be a highlights blog of Tuesday, and Friday is going to be my Do-Something-Vaguely-Journalisty day, so I'll be trying my best to do a review of Lostprophets on Monday's gig, and probably have a little ramble at the end about the other random shit that happened that day.

So, Tuesday was pretty fun...

- Dad getting lost driving to Hitchin and ending up driving around the Sainsbury's carpark about seven times
- Getting to the right street. Not being able to see the venue - then "WAIT! Stop here!" upon seeing Si (Young Guns) standing by a van. And realising I was first in the queue o.O
- Running up a slope to find Young Guns unpacking their van, and Gus seeing me and stopping in his tracks to give me a hug (like almost every teenage girl to see Young Guns, I love that man).
- Reminding Young Guns that I hadn't seen them since last decade
- Forgetting how bloody skinny all of Young Guns are
- Gus appearing out the venue...
Noisy people: Who's that?
Me: It's Gus.
Gus: Yes, my dear?
Me: *bursts out laughing and falls off the wall*
- Befriending the guy who owned Club 85 by being quiet and polite, and persuading him to let me into the warmth. So I was sitting in the sort of anteroom for a bit, thinking "this is nice"... then getting told I could go into the venue as a "friend of Tam's". So I walked in, and ended up befriending the sound guy as well...
- Getting creeped out by the sound guy... quite a lot.
- Not having to show a ticket or ID and getting stamped as an over 18. So I just claimed to be straight edge for the night. Which is almost true.
- Hanging out at the merch stand with Young Guns for about an hour with nobody else around.
- Calling Laurence "Cruella de Ville" to his face, which made him laugh, and then we had a chat about being short. "Oh yeah, I was short... when I was seven."
- Bagging front row centre when I realised that other people had walked in too.
- Spending all of Adam's set wondering where I knew him from.
- Tweeting during Kyra's set and getting manically told off.
- Young Guns owning the night and having mad face-pulling competitions with Ben, Gus and Johnny while they were onstage.
- Gus's total blindness when I asked him for water. "I don't have any!" "Yes, you do... over there... *facepalm*" "See, we're nice guys really!"
- Seeing Matt, who is still known to me as the Raving Rabbit.
- Being addressed by Kyra's drummer as "hey, Straight-Edge Girl!"
- Spending My Passion's set having a bit of a rave. They always put on a good show, top guys.
- Spending from when the gig ended until we got thrown out with Gus and Ben at the merch stand discussing pretty much everything.
- Gus: So many people preordered Winter Kiss, it was insane! We were up for twelve hours yesterday sending out all the orders...
Me: So you sent them out yesterday?
Gus: Yup. Did you order one?
Me: Yes! When will it get to me?
Gus: About two days, I think.
Ben: Oh no, not hers. We burnt yours, so, you know... Tough luck.
Me: Aaw, and I was going to wear it to Kerrang! tour and everything...
Ben: ... We bought you a new one?
- the sound guy really starting to scare me properly, so I ended up hiding in the merch cave behind Gus.
- Johnny and Simon bullying me into putting my hat back on
- Gus and Simon jointly deciding that Young Guns would adopt Annie and I as big brothers.
- Security guards: Alright, time to go everybody!
Me and Annie: Noooo!
Guard: *to Annie and I* Alright, move it.
Gus: *grabbing our hands* No, they're with me!
- Gus and Ben doing pictures and leaving Annie and I in charge of the merch for about ten minutes (which was hilarious to say the least)
- Packing up all the tshirts, telling Gus where everything was, unpicking all the tape... yes, we turned into merch girls :P
- Fraser promising to take me on tour as a merch girl
- My dad getting lost on the way to Hitchin... again... and Young Guns looking after me till midnight, when they had to leave. They promised to come hang with everyone in the queue for K! tour though, if I bought them food in return. Fair deal, if you ask me.
- Gus claiming the good ol' "bad back" excuse as a reason for not doing anything.
- "So, if Lostprophets are my fathers, and Young Guns are my brothers, what are My Passion?" (Annie) "Your lovers." (John Be).
- Chatting to John Be at midnight about guitar strings rusting from sweat...
- Laughing at Stape and John trying to load up the van.
- Laurence threatening me if I didn't say hi to him at K! tour, and giving me a warm get-home-safe hug.

So, yeah, Good night. I think I'm now more excited about seeing Young Guns again than any other band, though. They're just such sweet guys.

Lastly, I found out a coupla girls who were camping for K! tour in my year are planning on "stealing someone's van"... not realising that they don't know the bands in any way, shape or form. Hearing this made me laugh so much. Get over it, girls. I've met three of the bands enough to be remembered by them, and I somehow doubt I'll manage to get into their vans to sleep. Yes, that sounds kinda arrogant, but it's more just an assertion of confidence. I may not be as rich as them or as nice as them or as slaggish, but the bands always ask after me and my hat and who knows, maybe they don't mind having me around. So good luck getting into their vans, girls. You'll fucking need it. Otherwise bring duvets, shut the fuck up and camp.

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