Thursday, 19 November 2009

Grrrr... and NaNo: day 19

So many gig tickets are on sale tomorrow.

Well, two. Muse and 30STM.

My dad failed at the Muse presale this morning, so fingers crossed he can get me a ticket as an early late birthday present tomorrow (the gig is 5 days after I turn 16. Schweet).

Then there's 30STM... I only know Frances and Vikki who'd be going, so i'd probably be kinda screwed, but I missed them at Koko so I want to see them asap.

So far my wordcount hasn;t changed. I'm tempted not to do any till Sunday so Susie can experience the big moment of 50K with me, but that's unlikely. I'm on 47,696 words. If I don't make 50,000 today I will make it at 2am, staying up till the wee hours to novel for the third time in 3 days.

Yeah, I'm totally insane.

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