Thursday, 29 October 2009

Immature Irritation Time!

So I've had what I've jokingly called "abandonment issues" for a while. I mean, I don't have any real issues - nobody particularly close to me has died, or anything. It's more just that I seem to have lost a lot of people I've loved over the years, maybe not physically but emotionally.

I pretty much thought I'd got rid of them. But i just got one of those stupid little triggers today which made me annoyed. I mean, it was probably nothing, but I asked some of my friends about something and nobody even replied. Someone else asked one of them the same thing and got a multitude of answers.

I don;t even know why this annoys me, really. Maybe my friends just didn't notice that I'd asked them. Which is more likely than all the rather depressing thoughts swimming around my head like fish in a barrel. Well, if the fish are in a barrel, that makes them easier to shoot...

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